media videography

How many types of video editing are there?

In my opinion, editing is the most exciting and satisfying part of making a video or film. This is the climax of the story. The quality of your film greatly depends on the choices you make in terms of shots, editing, and sound. Here is a short primer on the fundamentals of editing. Looking for the Best Wedding Venue in Melbourne? Vines of the Yarra Valley is Melbourne's Iconic

Modern tools and services have greatly simplified the process of making and sharing videos. Since there are so many videos available, you should know the fundamentals of video editing. In order to make your videos stand out from the crowd, it's important to learn some fundamental video editing techniques for newcomers.

Once you have a firm grasp of the various edit types and the circumstances in which they are most useful, you will be able to make your projects more engaging, your editing more effective, and your editing style more reflective of your unique creative vision. However, mastery begins with study. In this section, we will go over the various cuts (and transitions) that you will encounter.

Table of Contents

Linear Editing

Our examples below are examples of linear or time-line editing, as opposed to layer editing in Adobe After Effects, where you deal with the z-axis, front to back, and frequently shorten the overall length. The primary objective of linear editing is to reduce the length of a video so that it is more manageable for the audience. Sometimes we have to work with low-quality footage and settle for fixing the most obvious issues and, at best, creating an interesting short.

A better picture and a more interesting story can be made with more money and more time. To be clear, when we talk about editing, we usually mean editing a home movie. It's one thing to start making a movie, but it's another to start making a serious film, be it a short or a feature. Movies can reshoot scenes specifically for montage use if they were shot with that goal in mind from the start. The editing process shifts gears significantly when shooting in a continuous take.

Non-linear video editing

New Line Editors (NLEs) are computer programmes designed specifically for this type of video editing (short for Non-Linear Editor). In modern times, non-linear editing has become the norm. The first step is to import the unprocessed video into a computer. A video editing programme, like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut, is then launched with the footage loaded in.

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The editing process is entirely under the editor's control. When he makes a new video file, he can rearrange the scenes in any order he likes, add or remove them as needed, and save the result. Once the new video clip has been edited to perfection, it can be stored on a CD or USB memory stick for later viewing. One other option is to post it online. Creating new videos with ease and speed using non-linear editing software is a common practise at many businesses today.

Simple Cutting

The Digital Transfer of Editing The focus of Super 8 is different from that of bespoke editing. First, the film is more valuable because there is less of it and because it is older, even if the quality isn't great. The primary objective is to remove the reel changes (which occur about every 3 and a half minutes), and secondary objectives may include colour grading and/or correction.

After converting to VHS, we eliminated the most distracting cuts. When more than just trimming is done, we call that "bespoke editing." The first, most basic cut may involve chopping out large chunks of footage (such as snow, the floor, the ceiling, the inside of a bag, etc.) that are irrelevant or of poor quality (for example, in order to keep only the wedding).

camera editing

Bespoke editing

Data from any source can be plotted against time with the help of our tools. There is no limit to the number you can use, but most people will find that four or five is the sweet spot. Which means you can piece together a fuller picture of the event by combining footage from multiple sources. Bespoke editing, on the other hand, suggests a more individual strategy due to its custom nature. The number of changes made is proportional to the number of events. Both the available film stock and the final product affect the editor's choices.

Getting rid of unnecessary words is an editing goal. Suppose you have ten hours of coverage that you need to condense into 45 mins. The method involves picking and choosing which information to keep and which to discard. Because of the time period and the fact that more and more people are discovering filming, films that have been converted from analogue formats tend to be very lengthy and aren't always of the highest quality. Lengthy passages must be condensed.

Review for editing

We're aware that many people haven't seen a movie in a very long time. If the customer's reels aren't in the correct order, we offer the option of reviewing the transfer on DVD and then bringing it back to us for some simple editing. Depending on the scale of the project, this assistance may or may not come at an additional cost.

To make it easier for people to keep track of where in the video cuts need to be made, we can add a time-code that is clearly visible during playback. Any endeavour is feasible using this principle. The customer's suggestions and needs will determine whether we record to DVD, add a time code, and perform complex editing. Customers can receive recordings from us on DVDs or via YouTube, with or without time stamps.

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Editing with a theme

The challenge of editing with a theme, whether it be a holiday or an individual, is to find and combine moments that are related, parallel, or otherwise connected. Specify all of our celebrations. Choosing which clips to keep and which to discard requires making judgments about quality, whether those judgments be explicit or tacit.

Weddings, other family gatherings, vacations, holidays, biker rallies, festivals, school productions, and amateur and professional plays are common sources of inspiration for editors. In this context, reduction editing refers to the process of condensing lengthy events into a more digestible form, such as key moments, a teaser, or a summary.

Multi-source Editing

We are able to edit sources in both SD (720/576) and HD (up to 1920/1080). If we didn't film any of the footage for your video, we'll still edit it. We are open to receiving the video source in any format and on any storage medium. Those who film events and who may wish to film the event themselves with multiple cameras may find our ability to edit on multiple tracks, from multiple sources, varying formats, with or without voice commentary or added music particularly appealing.

We Edit Your Film

You saved yourself the cost of hiring a camera operator for your big event. We have no problem with you asking your friends to capture your wedding and then sending it to us to edit. If you or a group of people capture the same event from different perspectives, you may end up with a better shot that you can use in your edit.

Taken from a DVD to be edited

DVD-recorded content can even be revised after it has been created. We get it off the disc, decompress it, make some changes, and then burn it again. In this way, you can take a segment or segments out of a DVD, save them so you can edit them, and then author them onto a new DVD. The video quality you produce should be identical to the DVD version.

Voice Commentary addition

You can always add commentary to your cut to make it more in-depth, especially if the original film had no dialogue (like in Super 8). We can either record your voice and edit it into the script, or you can record your own voice and we'll edit it into the script.

The titles are given more prominence and the video has more character with the addition of a voiceover. Of course, you can also give things titles to help you remember them, to pass on the history to future generations, to provide background information, or even just for the heck of it.

Film Editing

Editing may require more nuance based on the subject matter or the intended outcome. In one instance, we shot hours of footage over two years using four different cameras and conducted interviews with locals to create a semi-documentary film that ran for one hour.

We focused on the host as he went about his daily activities, like digging a well, and engaged in open dialogue about the changes he has seen in rural life. The event took place without us doing anything more than capturing a record of it. It wasn't until much later that we figured out what the characters were trying to say. The challenge, therefore, lay in determining what was most pertinent and then arranging that information into a cohesive whole. Try doing that if you don't have any money.

Editing for Art

Without getting too technical, artistic editing can be distinguished as a distinct subset of editing; it has a distinct goal, is likely scripted and prepared in advance, and seeks to film footage on purpose as part of a production.

how hard editing is

Editing film from live events

Errors in live performances of theatre, dance, or music present unique challenges for editors. The editor must make decisions in order to keep the story moving. Need a Wedding Video Company for your special day? Look no further, Vines of the Yarra Valley have you covered. 

Length Reduction Editing

One method of anti-tedious editing is to shorten the duration of scenes without diminishing their emotional impact or the central characters' arcs or motivations.

For instance, in a Christmas movie, a shot of the church doesn't need to last three minutes, but rather seven. The newlyweds must be seen in a wedding film, but it may be sufficient to show only a brief segment of their long trek to the town hall.

The purpose of these hybrid works is to give new life to old parts. Rather than a curated set, the data footage is typically a mishmash of various camera angles. The idea is to eliminate all but the most essential components. The emphasis of these alterations is on the practise of collecting and creating souvenirs.

Editing to Accentuate the Highlights

"Highlights editing" is one form of editing done to combat boredom. The basic idea is to highlight the most important parts and edit it down to about 7 seconds. In other words, the positive aspects are retained, but only in a supplementary role. You'll have to make some tough choices, especially if the setting drags on. When the editor has a great deal of creative freedom or if the subject isn't particularly interesting to them, this editing strategy can be very effective. The viewers get a sense of the full experience. The components must be put together, maybe in a certain order, to produce something with some degree of aesthetic appeal.

Photo Slideshows

For the most part, photo slideshows focus on looking back on joyful times in one's life. Some people may be more preoccupied with dates than others. From photos to slides to reverse negatives to screenprints to digitally captured HD footage from smartphones, we show each image for between four and six seconds. Essentially any origin is feasible. The criteria in this case once again are the edit's intended final length and the available material.

Life's End Photomontage

Tragic events sometimes necessitate change. We have made some photo montages and retrospectives for memorial services. Modern music may not be appropriate for a funeral or memorial service, but even traditional pieces can leave an impression on attendees.

These films are often hastily put together from photographs and film clips documenting the deceased's life, friends, and family because of the short time between the death and the funeral. They may be simplistic, but that's all it takes to evoke pleasant associations with familiar tunes and pictures. Becoming attached emotionally is simple in such a setting.


Commercial customers frequently ask us to caption their videos. If the audio can be transcribed and is audible enough, however, subtitles could be added to any video.

Offline Editing

Making a copy of the original raw video footage and reducing its resolution is what's known as "offline video editing." In order to edit a raw video, the editor will typically make a copy of the original and then compress it using a format like ProRes. Proxy footage is shorthand for videos shot at a lower resolution. The editor makes modifications, inserts or removes clips, etc., from the proxy footage.

When the editing is complete, the project is exported, but the raw video footage from the beginning is allowed to take its place. This method is typically employed when the editor does not have access to a powerful enough machine to edit raw video clips. You probably already know that most computers don't have the processing power necessary to edit a 4K video clip.

For many inexperienced video editors, offline cutting is the only option because they can't afford a more robust machine just yet. Proxy footage, which has a lower resolution but still uses a lot of computer resources, is much more manageable. In order to edit video clips, the editor will use proxy footage and then export the final version using the original, raw video footage. Although this method isn't used as often as it once was, it's still an important part of the video editing process.

Online Editing

When compared to conventional offline editing, online revision is merely its antithesis. To avoid using fake footage, the editor doesn't do that. Instead, he edits the raw video footage by splicing in new sections, chopping out unnecessary parts, etc. Most commonly, high-end computers with fast processors and ample RAM are used for online video editing.

Live Editing

During live broadcasts, editors often make adjustments to the video in real time. This requires the expertise of trained videographers and editors. It entails live-streaming content from a plethora of different cameras and video sources through a unified control panel.

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Compression. Reducing the size of your footage

In order to store more video content on a given device, it is often necessary to compress the file. To ease the burden of downloading and uploading, or to free up storage space, this is done. Take the case of a 1GB video file that needs to be uploaded to a website with a 200MB video size limit. Without sacrificing quality or removing any footage, video compression allows you to significantly reduce the file size.

video media program

Bit Rate. Reducing the size of your footage

The term "bit rate" describes the number of bits used to store a video clip. The standard unit of measurement is kilobits per second (kbps). The more information is captured per second, the more precise the resulting images will be. Video with a higher bit rate also takes up more room on a disc. Video bit rate is drastically decreased by the compression method in order to meet the required storage space. Compressing a video is a great way to save space on your disc, but it can be time-consuming.

Aspect ratio. Changing the dimension of your footage

The term "aspect ratio" is frequently used in the realm of digital media editing. The term "file dimensions" is used to describe the physical measurements of an image or video. The 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios are the most common. Always think of the first number as the height and the second as the width. The best screens for watching movies and videos online are those with a wide aspect ratio, such as 16:9 or 21:9. However, reading documents is best done on screens with a 4:3 aspect ratio.

Assemble Editing

Rarely used, assemble video editing involves stringing together a number of clips from a video with no transitions whatsoever. Clips are "glued" together in a linear fashion with no visual or audio enhancements or smoothing effects. Punch-and-crunch editing is another name for this technique.

Insert Editing

Adding new video clips into an already existing video is an advanced video editing technique known as "insert video editing." When compared to assembly editing, this method affords the editor with greater freedom when developing a brand new piece. Say, for instance, you wished to superimpose a video clip over existing video of a person talking. If you use assembly editing, the result will be sloppy, and the new footage will replace the audio as well. Insert editing allows you to keep the original sound and create clean cuts between sections. The final result is something that is more refined and impressive to look at.

Initial Assembly

Adding new video clips into an already existing video is an advanced video editing technique known as "insert video editing." When compared to assembly editing, this method affords the editor with greater freedom when developing a brand new piece. Say, for instance, you wished to superimpose a video clip over existing video of a person talking. If you use assembly editing, the result will be sloppy, and the new footage will replace the audio as well. Insert editing allows you to keep the original sound and create clean cuts between sections. The final result is something that is more refined and impressive to look at.

Rough Cut

In video editing, the rough cut is the second and typically most difficult stage. In this process, footage is cut down while titles, graphics, and effects are added. There is still a soundtrack, but it has not been finalised. Colors in the video at this point are also off and could use some work.

Colour Correction and Colour Grading

Color grading is typically the final step before a video is shared online. Color grading is the process of adjusting the hue, saturation, and brightness of a video or film shot with a variety of cameras and lighting setups so that the resulting image is visually consistent throughout the entire work. A video's colour temperature can have an effect on how the audience reacts to it. Color temperature describes the degree to which a video's hues are muted. Temperature is quantified in Kelvin and can go from very cold to very warm. The colour temperature of ice has a bluish tinge, while the colour temperature of fire has a reddish or orange hue.

Final Cut

The third and final stage of video editing is the rough cut. The video clips and audio tracks are polished, and final adjustments and arrangements made. Mixing is the stage where a trained sound editor fine-tunes the audio tracks and sound effects. As a final note, I'll mention that you can try out new types of cuts by layering cuts together. As you can see, video editing is not rocket science, and you now have more knowledge than the average person. Editing videos is a methodical process, and once you know the ins and outs, it's a lot of fun to do for fun or a living.


The decisions you make about shots, editing, and sound will have a significant impact on the final product. Making and sharing videos is now much easier than ever thanks to technological advancements. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you should know the basics of video editing. Super 8's focus is different from that of custom editing. When more is done than just trimming, we call it "bespoke editing," but the primary goal is to get rid of the reel changes (which happen every 3.5 minutes).

Finding and splicing together events that share a common thread is what editors call "editing with a theme." It is necessary to make value judgments when deciding which clips to keep and which to delete. With or without time stamps, we can provide customers with DVDs of recordings or upload them to YouTube. The highest resolution that we can edit at is 1920x1080, but we can also work with standard definition (720576) and high definition (up to 19201080). We will still edit your video even if we didn't shoot any of the footage.

Please feel free to send us the original video file in any format and on any medium you like. There are special considerations that must be made when editing footage shot at live events. Editing scenes down in length is one way to avoid monotony. When editing with an artistic eye, the director is working towards a specific end, has probably planned and scripted the entire production in advance, and is trying to capture specific moments on camera. One type of editing done to avoid monotony is called "highlights editing."

The purpose of a photo slideshow is to reminisce about happy memories. Memorial services often feature hastily assembled photo montages and retrospectives known as "Life's End Photomontage." Few computers have the processing power to effectively edit a 4K video clip. Lower-quality proxy footage still requires a significant amount of processing power, but it's much more manageable. Your file size will be greatly reduced if you compress your footage.

In the world of digital media editing, the term "aspect ratio" is used frequently. Popular ratios include 4:3 and 16:9. Video compression is a great way to reduce disc space requirements, but it can be time-consuming to accomplish. The "insert video editing" function preserves the original audio and lets you make seamless transitions between scenes. Video production isn't complete until the colours have been graded. In the mixing phase, a professional sound editor makes the final adjustments to the audio tracks and sound effects.

Content Summary

  • Here is a short primer on the fundamentals of editing.
  • Since there are so many videos available, you should know the fundamentals of video editing.
  • In order to make your videos stand out from the crowd, it's important to learn some fundamental video editing techniques for newcomers.
  • The primary objective of linear editing is to reduce the length of a video so that it is more manageable for the audience.
  • Non-linear video editing
  • In modern times, non-linear editing has become the norm.
  • Creating new videos with ease and speed using non-linear editing software is a common practise at many businesses today.
  • The Digital Transfer of Editing The focus of Super 8 is different from that of bespoke editing.
  • Getting rid of unnecessary words is an editing goal.
  • The customer's suggestions and needs will determine whether we record to DVD, add a time code, and perform complex editing.
  • Editing with a themeThe challenge of editing with a theme, whether it be a holiday or an individual, is to find and combine moments that are related, parallel, or otherwise connected.
  • If we didn't film any of the footage for your video, we'll still edit it.
  • We are open to receiving the video source in any format and on any storage medium.
  • Those who film events and who may wish to film the event themselves with multiple cameras may find our ability to edit on multiple tracks, from multiple sources, varying formats, with or without voice commentary or added music particularly appealing.
  • You saved yourself the cost of hiring a camera operator for your big event.
  • Without getting too technical, artistic editing can be distinguished as a distinct subset of editing; it has a distinct goal, is likely scripted and prepared in advance, and seeks to film footage on purpose as part of a production.
  • Errors in live performances of theatre, dance, or music present unique challenges for editors.
  • The editor must make decisions in order to keep the story moving.
  • In order to edit a raw video, the editor will typically make a copy of the original and then compress it using a format like ProRes.
  • In order to edit video clips, the editor will use proxy footage and then export the final version using the original, raw video footage.
  • Video with a higher bit rate also takes up more room on a disc.
  • Adding new video clips into an already existing video is an advanced video editing technique known as "insert video editing."
  • The third and final stage of video editing is the rough cut.

FAQs About Video Editing

Video editing can be an overwhelming subject to learn. After all, it is a blend of technical and artistic skills. In the beginning, pick a video editing software and follow some tutorials to learn the basics.

In short, becoming a video editor is a great career. Many opportunities are available, and more innovative concepts are always on the horizon. The result is a career path that will support you for the foreseeable future.

Yes, you can learn video editing by yourself, and it's not even that hard to do it. All you need to teach yourself video editing is a PC to edit on, video editing software, YouTube tutorials, and practice.

A video editor with additional video graphics design skills is an asset. The competition in this industry requires the most creative and experienced editor. Since the music industry witnesses numerous projects daily, you have endless opportunities to make money.

Video editing skills enable you to arrange and alter video shots to create a cohesive structure. To expertly edit videos, you must possess specific technical and soft skills. There are a wide range of roles that utilize or benefit from video editing skills, including Film editors

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