composition tips for fashion photography

How To Get Fashion Photography Clients?

Any professional photographer's ultimate goal is to build a clientele that recognises and appreciates their unique artistic vision and is willing to pay a rate that allows them to turn a profit.

Because your customers are willing to pay what you're worth, you no longer have to worry about making ends meet or covering your bills. Photography in the fashion industry is widely regarded as the most prestigious and lucrative subset of the profession.

There are times when this is the case, but it's important to note that if this is why you're getting into the industry, you might be in for a rude awakening. If you're a photographer, you don't have to settle for doing any old job when you have the option to do what you love.

Because people have faith in your creative judgement, you can focus on doing more of what you enjoy. Know that things can improve if you are still having trouble attracting enough customers.

There are a number of concrete steps you can take to increase the number of satisfied, price-paying customers who rave about your work.

If you want to make it in the fashion industry, you should be prepared to be knocked down more often than you're picked up.

Create your own distinct voice and approach, and someone will take notice if you have faith in yourself and your work.

Table of Contents

How To Find Your Clients

how to plan a fashion photoshoot

What's wrong with the fact that not everyone can become a household name? If you keep your expectations in check, you never know where you might end up. If you're interested in fashion photography, here are some pointers to get you started.

Understand Your Ideal Client

The more clearly you understand precisely who you want to work with, the easier it will be to get them to hire you. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal client and think about their lives.

  • Where do they shop?
  • What are their interests and hobbies?
  • What websites do they frequent?

All we're doing here is setting the stage with these questions. The success of your advertising depends on your ability to visualise and internalise the world of your ideal customer.

The success of your advertising campaign depends on your ability to accurately identify your ideal customer.

When dealing with different types of customers, you need to tailor your approach accordingly.

In order to attract the right kind of customers, marketing newborn photography should look very different from marketing executive headshots.

Knowing your ideal customer inside and out allows you to craft a marketing strategy that speaks directly to them.

Due to this, they will be more inclined to hire you.

Ask For Introductions

The referral of a friend or acquaintance could be one of the quickest ways to land your first client.

Having a good network of contacts is crucial, as we are constantly reminded. Yes, that's the truth.

It's true that getting introduced to someone is the simplest way to get your first few clients.

Is there anyone you know who might know someone for whom you could be a resource?

Definitely, you will, as we promise. Get a pen and paper and start making a list of people you know who might be able to introduce you to others.

Getting in touch with people could be as simple as asking your parents for introductions.

Then, simply get in touch with them and pose the question.

Talk to advertising firms, photographers who are further along in their careers, fashion editors, art directors, etc.

Don't be hesitant to ask close relatives and pals. The possibilities it presents may be far greater than you initially imagined.

Grow Together

Stylists find it more convenient to work with a styling letter because it allows them to rent better brands/clothes from PR agencies rather than shopping for all the stores' clothing.

Perhaps you can find other stylists who are at a similar skill level to you, and advance together.

They can either borrow items from well-known brands or make new purchases from the stores, then return them after the shoot.

When putting together a team, it's crucial to seek out people who share your approach and outlook.

In order to both build your respective clientele and portfolios through joint editorial production, it would be beneficial for you to work together.

Portfolio Work

Join a talented group and produce stunning editorials for no pay to add to your portfolio.

Finding your own unique style and developing a compelling portfolio to show prospective clients is impossible without putting in significant practise time.

People don't always get it when we volunteer our time, but we do it because it's what we enjoy doing.

The best part of this type of shoot is that there is no predetermined brief from a client to limit your creativity.

Create A Website That Brings In Inquiries

Many photographers overlook the value of a well-designed website as a promotional tool.

Your online presence is the first impression potential customers have of your business.

If you want more people to contact you, you need to give some thought to the layout of your website.

By restricting your website to a contact page, portfolio, and blog, you may be missing out on inquiries that could have been made about your services.

Understand How Clients Make Decisions

Without knowing what factors influence a client's hiring decision, you run the risk of losing business from people who would have loved to have worked with you.

You can better serve your potential clients by tailoring your marketing efforts in light of their preferences for selecting a photographer.

You'll be able to entice the types of customers you want to work with while discouraging the types who aren't worth your time and effort.

Clients will view you as more trustworthy if you take the time to teach them about the qualities a good photographer should have.

Since they'll be grateful to you for teaching them how to make an educated decision, you can be sure they'll pick you over anyone else when the time comes to choose a photographer.

Your Ideal Client

Describe in detail the type of customer you want to attract.

Maybe you want to open a portrait studio where you can make stunning portraits of all kinds of people, including your ideal wedding couples.

Next, you should locate them and learn how to get in touch with them; then, you should send them a thoughtful and personable email, give them a call, and add them as a social media contact.

Make sure they know who you are and what you can do for them. Don't spend too much time talking about yourself; people care more about what's in it for them.

Even if they don't need a photographer at the moment, they will keep your name in mind for the future.

Maintain an active online presence by adding fresh content to your website and updating your social media accounts on a regular basis (daily or at least several times per week).

Collect Your Clients

Build a wishlist of ideal customers. Send brands, stores, and designers an email explaining what you do and suggesting ways you could work together.

Instagram is a great place to learn about new brands, which you might find by browsing the web or strolling through a town's shopping district.

Work With Good Models.

fashion photographer (2)

Having the right model can make or break your photography shoot. If you want to expand your portfolio as a model, you can send an email to a modelling agency with a link to your website and a brief introduction.

Since they are pleased with your pictures, you can do the work for free.

Go Above And Beyond To Get People Talking

It can be difficult to choose a photographer if you've never hired one before.

When looking for a photographer, many people turn to recommendations from those they know and trust.

If someone has heard good things about you from a friend or family member, they are more likely to hire you.

If you go out of your way to impress your customers, they will gladly pass your name along if they hear of anyone else in need of a photographer.

Your Network Is #1

In photography, the strength of your connections is crucial. Maybe you value your connections more highly than your photography abilities.

Of course, you need to be a good photographer, but it's difficult to make it as a working professional without knowing people.

Be helpful to your fellow photographers by asking them about their work and gaining insight from their perspective.

Perhaps when they are unable to complete a task, they will recommend you for it. You may be surprised at how extensive your network really is.

After you've built up a small network, it's time to put it to good use. What is the procedure for accomplishing this?

Keep track of who you know, how you know them, what they do, how to get in touch with them, and when you last spoke to them.

This is crucial! You are bound to forget someone you know if you don't maintain some sort of contact list. The truth is that everyone, even the easiest-to-understand people, eventually slip your mind. The purpose of this is to build that database.

Once you have your database established, you can begin to contact them on a bimonthly basis.

Keep in the forefront of your thoughts is your goal. Every three to six months, depending on the person and their activity, send them an email.

Whenever I run into someone I know, we do a quick catch up, I tell them what I've been up to the past few months, I give them some of my work, and I ask how they're doing.

It's always a good idea to enquire if they have any recommendations for who you might be introduced to in their network.

If they aren't someone you know well but rather a business contact, you can still reach out to them in this way, but you should limit the number of times per year you send them an email and the specific requests you make.

It should always be an aim of business owners to cultivate loyal customer bases. Working with someone you already know is much less work than trying to find a new client.

You can also leverage your client base by soliciting referrals from those who have already used your services.

It wouldn't hurt to send a client an email asking if they know anyone who would also like to work with you if you had a good time working with them and wanted the work you did.

They may not always, but that's fine; if they don't, they can always say they don't know anyone.

However, there are times when they do know someone and offer an introduction via email. In the fashion photography industry, that is a surefire way to land a job.

Get More People To Hear About You

Great pictures won't bring in customers if no one sees them.

The number of your current customers directly impacts the effectiveness of word-of-mouth marketing. More exposure to the public is required for your company to attract paying customers.

The following are some suggestions for spreading the word:

Optimise Your Website To Show Up In Search Results. 

Internet searches are a common method of finding a photographer.

Getting to the top of search engine results pages requires an intimate familiarity with their inner workings, and that knowledge can be gained through study.


If you put in the time to develop solid relationships with vendors, businesses, and other photographers, you can rest assured that they will sing your praises to potential clients.

Social Media.

If used properly, social media can have a significant impact. To avoid wasting time and effort, you should familiarise yourself with the specific goals of each platform and the strategies that have proven to be successful there.

Paid advertisements are usually a waste of money unless you know exactly what you are doing.

However, if you know how to make ads that appeal to your client and how to make sure only your ideal client sees them, paid ads can bring in many clients for very little money.

Browse Instagram For Local Brands

Instagram, the app everyone complains about but can't stop using. We can't deny that it's the most popular site for photographers right now.

It's the constant focus of everyone's attention. Every day, more and more people download the app. And what do you know? In other words, it's highly likely that your ideal customer is already a member.

One of the quickest ways to get your first customer is to simply pick up your phone, look up the Geotag of your town/local area, and check out the stores and brands that are located nearby.

Pick the accounts that speak to you and seem like a good fit, and start following and interacting with them! Send them some feedback, read through their stories, and maybe even respond to one or two.

After a week or two of genuine interaction (don't comment for the sake of commenting; that comes off as spammy), reach out to them via email (it's probably in their Bio or on their website; if not, ask them in a DM for it) to formally introduce yourself.

Introduce yourself by sharing your work, your enthusiasm for the company, and your desire to lend a hand with photography. If you don't ask, you won't receive.

Get Out There

Knowing the identity of the 'brand' creator adds a human touch. The photography industry expands when its practitioners start treating the art form like a legitimate enterprise.

Don't be shy about introducing yourself and sharing why you love photography on your website's "about" page or other online profiles.

You may be wondering why this matters when trying to land a job, but consider this: the client is hiring you for a significant project and a long day, and they want to know who you are, what you look like (are you friendly and pleasant to work with all day? ), and what your style is like before they commit to hiring you.


By implementing these strategies, your company will attract both high-quality and numerous customers. You can choose your own clients and charge them what you think they're worth.

But if you make this one critical error, your entire plan will be a bust. Finding time to focus on marketing when there are so many other things to do in your business can be challenging. However, without making marketing a priority, your business will not succeed.

Making a marketing plan can help you commit time to implementing these techniques.

The marketing strategy details the steps you'll take to realise your objectives. Using this method, you can plan out when you will dedicate specific blocks of time to marketing-related activities.

Your marketing strategy needs to be tailored to your ideal client and market if it is to be successful.

Perhaps you haven't given much thought to the idea of treating yourself like a business, but as a freelance fashion photographer, that's exactly what you are! Demonstrating your abilities is the cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

Only by making stuff will this be possible. When first getting started, you should schedule as many shoots as possible. Making art is the first step in self-promotion.


It is generally agreed that fashion photography is the most illustrious and lucrative niche within the field. It is possible to increase the number of happy, paying customers who gush about your work by taking a few specific actions. Here are a few guidelines to help you get started in fashion photography. When you have a thorough understanding of who you want to sell to, you can develop a strategy that effectively communicates with them. Getting your foot in the door requires you to have a solid network of contacts.

Come work with a creative team and make stunning editorials for the benefit of your portfolio, at no cost to you. Possibile customers could be lost if you only have a few professional websites up and running. Promoting your business in a way that appeals to your target audience's individual tastes is a surefire way to win them over. Create a wishlist of your ideal customers by providing a detailed description of who you're targeting. Put forth extra effort to spark conversation.

It's crucial to have a good model for your photo shoot. Sending an email to a modelling agency is a great way to get your modelling portfolio seen by more people. It's possible that the breadth of your network will astound you. Building a dedicated customer base should always be a priority for any business. Word-of-mouth marketing is most efficient when you already have a large customer base.

Paid advertisements can bring in a large number of customers for a small outlay of capital if you know how to create ads that appeal to your target audience. Now more than ever, Instagram is the go-to spot for photo sharing. Finding the Geotags of nearby stores and brands is a fast way to get your first customer. Follow and engage with accounts whose content resonates with you and who seem like a good fit. Promoting oneself begins with creating art.

The foundation of your marketing strategy is demonstrating your competence. If you want to make a living as a freelance photographer, you need to book as many shoots as possible. Your entire marketing strategy could fail because of a single misstep.

Content Summary

  • The success of your advertising depends on your ability to visualise and internalise the world of your ideal customer.
  • Knowing your ideal customer inside and out allows you to craft a marketing strategy that speaks directly to them.
  • Get a pen and paper and start making a list of people you know who might be able to introduce you to others.
  • Getting in touch with people could be as simple as asking your parents for introductions.
  • If you want more people to contact you, you need to give some thought to the layout of your website.
  • You can better serve your potential clients by tailoring your marketing efforts in light of their preferences for selecting a photographer.
  • Maintain an active online presence by adding fresh content to your website and updating your social media accounts on a regular basis (daily or at least several times per week).Collect Your Clients. Build a wishlist of ideal customers.
  • Having the right model can make or break your photography shoot.
  • In photography, the strength of your connections is crucial.
  • It wouldn't hurt to send a client an email asking if they know anyone who would also like to work with you if you had a good time working with them and wanted the work you did.
  • The number of your current customers directly impacts the effectiveness of word-of-mouth marketing.
  • If used properly, social media can have a significant impact.
  • Instagram, the app everyone complains about but can't stop using.
  • Introduce yourself by sharing your work, your enthusiasm for the company, and your desire to lend a hand with photography.
  • Knowing the identity of the 'brand' creator adds a human touch.
  • and what your style is like before they commit to hiring you.
  • Making a marketing plan can help you commit time to implementing these techniques.
  • Demonstrating your abilities is the cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

FAQs About Photography

Fashion photographers are responsible for how clothing is presented in advertising campaigns, catalogues and fashion magazines. They work closely with designers and fashion houses to ensure they portray the brand's desired image. They work in studios or carry out shoots on location.

Is being a fashion photographer a good career choice? Yes, fashion photography is a safe career choice because many fashion industries in India have plenty of opportunities for fashion photographers. The industry is expanding at enormous rates, and so are the career choices.

Fashion photography is a highly exclusive and competitive industry. Getting in requires dedication, commitment, hard work, and oftentimes, a dash of good luck and timing. There is no great secret or shortcut, it is going to be a tough journey, and you must be prepared for the long haul.

This includes models, hairstylists, makeup artists, designers, stylists, and even producers. Pick each member with confidence. They should be the best suited for bringing the concept to life. Follow these four steps to building a top-notch team that will help make your fashion photo shoot out of this world.

In existence since the invention of photography in 1839, photographs of fashionable dress do not fashion photography. The distinguishing feature-and the common denominator in the enormous diversity of style, approach, and content is the fashion photograph's intent to convey fashion or a "fashionable" lifestyle.

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