entertaining wedding guests

How Do I Make Sure Guests Have Fun at My Wedding?

All of our couples' wedding celebrations are the largest parties they've ever thrown and the most complex projects they've ever taken on. In addition to the obvious preparations and arrangements, what else should be done to ensure that the wedding reception is enjoyable for all guests? What makes the difference between a good party and the amazing one that everyone can't stop talking about?

Having your guests participate in the ceremony and reception is a great way to keep the party going strong. A wedding with a lot of interactive elements will leave guests with fond memories and will be talked about for years to come. Including dynamic content does not have to break the bank. The majority of the following can be incorporated into the regular activities of a do-it-yourself bride. Okay, so let's begin!

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Many future spouses state that their guests' happiness ranks as their top concern during the wedding planning process. And rightfully so, since your friends and family have interrupted their busy schedules to join you in this moment of celebration. However, that shouldn't mean you have to sacrifice fun. How to make your wedding day the most memorable day of your life is revealed.

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Table of Contents

Making Your Wedding Fun For All

bride throwing bouquet

You, the couple, totally worry-free

Every single one of our newlyweds has commented to me since the big day how quickly it went by. We want our brides and grooms to have the best possible wedding day experience. We hope you'll be present and remember why you're here today: to pledge your lives to one another as husband and wife. That's why we put in so much time and effort to making sure your wedding day has everything you could possibly want or need.

In addition, we provide a private room with a platter of appetisers and a bottle of champagne during Cocktail Hour, when most couples are off taking photos. After we're done taking pictures, we'll give them a short break before introducing them to their guests.

The couple is off-limits for anything but celebrating!

When it comes to the wedding day, we planners make sure that our couples are not interrupted in any way. Another one of our mantras, or promises to our couples, is that they will be completely unaware of any problems that may arise. It's true that we do everything in our power to shield our loved ones from the situation. And if you don't hire a wedding planner, make sure to assign one person to handle all logistics and any other surprises that may arise. People will find us and ask for help planning the wedding if we wear funny buttons identifying us as the wedding planners. The couples are left alone to celebrate.

Your parents

When it comes to the wedding, most parents place as much, if not more, importance on the day for their children than the bride and groom do. They've been waiting for this day since the happy couple were kids, dreaming of a life together with a partner who will love and care for them even after their parents are gone. A parent reaches a major life milestone when they give their child away at marriage. It's a time to reflect on one's own wedding day and on the lives of one's parents, as well as on the life of the newly-minted adult being celebrated. This is a memorable day. That's why we always advise our couples to incorporate some kind of sentimental display, like a photo album, into their reception.

Your older guests

Most of the couples we know have a large number of guests in attendance from the senior generation. These people often feel out of place in a group of teenagers. We go out of our way to make them feel welcome and like they have always been a part of the couple's family. Including music that is familiar and comfortable to older guests, such as a few Frank Sinatra or Elvis songs or top hits from the 1980s, is a subtle way to make them feel welcome. Yes! These can be incorporated, and the results will put a smile on your customers' faces. Additionally, the bride traditionally gives her bouquet to the couple in the audience who has been married the longest as part of a "generation dance" instead of tossing it to the other guests.

More Fun at Your Wedding

Two words: Free. Bar.

It goes without saying that a bottle of Champagne upon arrival, a few beers before dinner, or a few signature cocktails always get the party started off right. There will be a cap on your goodwill (in the form of the bar tab), but no one should go thirsty during the day, and the dance floor should be packed all evening long. Provide reasonably priced wine so that guests can enjoy a glass with each course, and consider creating signature wedding cocktails to be served from glass dispensers after dinner and before the dancing begins if you plan on providing the alcoholic beverages.

Playlist is key

If the music is bad, it won't matter how drunk your guests are; nobody will be dancing. Although the band's original music is undoubtedly fantastic, your wedding is not the appropriate venue for a performance of any of their originals. Getting as many people as possible up and dancing at your party can be achieved by putting together the playlist yourself and asking for contributions from your guests.

Photo Ops

Guests enjoy photo ops, so if you have room in the budget, consider installing a photo booth so that everyone can take pictures without interrupting the festivities and then print their favourites for the scrapbook. And use a lot of props. Many guests will enjoy getting into the spirit of things by dressing up (at least some will), so have plenty of fun hats on hand for the dance floor. Think about the guests who will be taking pictures at your wedding as you arrange the venue. Lighted signs like those offered by Vowed & Amazed are a hit at any wedding, and you can make your own chalkboard signs for next to nothing that will look just as good in photos.

Lawn games

There will likely be some breathing room between the ceremony, the reception, and the first dance if the ceremony is during the day. Provide some games so that your guests won't have to sit around bored. To amuse both young and old, consider setting up a giant game of Jenga, coconut shy, croquet, or quoits.

What's the hashtag?

Create a special hashtag for your wedding on Instagram and invite your guests to act as photojournalists. Everyone can look forwards to seeing their photo posted the following day, and it's a fun way to reminisce about the day and the week that followed.


Providing flip-flops for those who prefer to wear high heels will guarantee you a large fan base. With the unlimited alcohol, the super-cool music, and the comfy shoes, your partygoers will be overjoyed and ready to get their groove on.

Snacking stations

Inviting people who are likely to get angry and eat nothing is not a good idea for a wedding. Set up a few snacking stations around the wedding venue so that guests can help themselves whenever they like, whether you're serving a formal sit-down meal or a buffet. Even though pick-and-mix, crisps, and nuts may not seem like the most elegant refreshments, they are sure to be crowd pleasers and can be made to look elegant by placing them in glass jars and serving them with silver scoops.

Seating plan

I think it's fantastic that you came up with a seating arrangement that breaks up couples, puts people of different orientations together, and promotes conversation. Individuals prefer to be seated near their friends. Sorry.

Photo time

It's common knowledge that a wedding photographer needs at least an hour after the vows are exchanged to capture the event in all its glory. In this time, however, it is imperative that people be left bored and thirsty. Make sure there's enough food and drinks, games to play, and comfortable seating arranged.

Evening food

It will go over very well if you provide your guests with a tasty snack at the end of the evening. If money is no object, try a pig roast or pie van for dinner. At this point in the proceedings, trays of bacon sandwiches and cheese on toast would go over much better than canapés.

Sneak Away for Private Moments

It's all too easy to lose sight of your new spouse at the reception as you separate to visit with distant relatives and old friends. Set aside some alone time so that you don't end the night feeling like you barely saw your partner. One wonderful way to do this is to have them spend the first ten minutes alone together after the ceremony. Guests at this point are leaving the building and may not even notice that the couple is missing. Following the first dance, we recommend they take another 10-minute break. The guests will be too busy on the dance floor to notice the couple leaving, giving them some unobserved alone time to do whatever they like.

It's also possible to establish a code word in case one of you ever feels too overwhelmed to continue working and needs a short break.

Making up a goofy secret phrase to use when you need to take things easy is a great way to help yourself and others stop worrying and start living in the moment. If your partner uses the code word, you know it's time to take a breather together for a while.

Get Comfortable

What's the point in torturing yourself with stilettos on your wedding day if you never wear heels outside of that one day? Don't feel awkward about taking off your shoes and changing into something cosier, such as slippers, during the reception. With such a long dress, no one will be able to see your footwear anyway, so you might as well go all out.

Stay Among the Crowd

After spending the majority of the reception mingling with guests, most newlyweds head to the sweetheart table to enjoy their first meal together as husband and wife. In theory, a sweetheart table is a wonderful place to spend quality time with your significant other, but are you really getting that much privacy? It's common practise to place the sweetheart table in the very front of the room, where all of your guests can see and hear everything you say to one another if they so choose. Although some married couples thrive on attention, you need not enjoy it yourselves. Sit in the middle of the room where the warmth of everyone's affections will surround you instead.

Take it Easy on the booze.

Unfortunately, many couples make the mistake of equating alcohol consumption with enjoyment. But when booze is readily available, it's all too simple to take a turn for the worse. In addition to making you sleepy, binge drinking can cause you to lose track of time, potentially erasing some of your most precious memories. If you're going to be imbibing alcoholic beverages, it's a good idea to alternate water with each alcoholic beverage.

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Personalize Your Moments

Most people's minds go straight to furniture and accessories when they hear the word "personalise." However, your actions at the wedding can also leave a lasting impression. It's important to make your first dance memorable and meaningful, as it's a chance to show the world who you two are as a couple. The days of slow dancing to an old love song are over. Select a tune by your favourite artist or discover a jubilant tune that speaks to who you are as a couple; then, dance like no one is looking. Your guests will appreciate the updated take on a classic and may even ask for a copy of the song you used to accompany it.

Add Some Levity

There will be many memorable moments on your wedding day, from the first time you see each other to the time you say your final goodbyes as husband and wife. In recent years, we've seen a lot of fun new takes on the first look, which is one of our favourite variations on an old tradition. While it's undeniable that we all enjoy looking at pictures of doting couples, the pressure to capture the perfect moment can be overwhelming. Make light of the serious situation and laugh it off.

Define "Fun" in Your Way

While some couples can't wait to get out on the dance floor, others won't even consider it. Do not plan your entire wedding reception around a dance floor if you do not enjoy dancing. Play the dance music if your guests want to move their bodies, but if you'd rather sit and watch the action, that's fine too. For the benefit of those who would rather not dance, you should organise some games and other entertainment.

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Don't let society's expectations of a bride make you second-guess who you really are. Do not rush into wedding preparations; instead, visualise the day you will truly cherish. Whoa, you're a sugar fanatic! Spend money on a fancy dessert spread; we doubt your guests will mind having more options. Can you make anything by hand? Do it yourself as much as you like. And if you don't have any creative juices flowing, don't force yourself to take on extra work; it's fine to hire professionals. Don't worry too much about the minor details of your special day and instead concentrate on the things you're sure will make you happy. Check out our post on What are the wedding DJ packages and specials?

During the wedding, you and your partner should act naturally. You should indulge in your favourite foods. Go ahead and dance like no one is watching. This is a celebration of your marriage, not a job interview. It's fine to kick back, be genuine, and enjoy yourself.

FAQs About Wedding Celebration

How to entertain guests at home
  1. Create a cozy atmosphere for the company. 
  2. Make a playlist in advance. 
  3. Plan a theme or activity for the evening. 
  4. Arrange food and beverages. 
  5. Set Out Linens. 
  6. Make the powder room a design experience. 
  7. Remember, it's about the experience, not following a set of rules.
Whether you fancy a firework display, outdoor wedding games or an alternative food idea to keep spirits high, check out our round-up of the best wedding guest entertainment ideas.
Music Wedding Entertainment Ideas
  1. Singing Waiters. 
  2. Hire a DJ. 
  3. Live Band. 
  4. String Quartet. 
  5. Acoustic Soloist. 
  6. Roaming Musicians. 
  7. Harpist. 
  8. Silent Disco.

A break of 60 to 90 minutes is fine. If you're moving onto a different spot in town for the party, having an hour between the end of the ceremony and the start of the reception is fine-it'll give everyone time to leisurely make their way to the second venue, or to even go home or to their hotel room for a short break.

Group Games & Interactive Activities
  1. The Shoe Game. This is one of our favourite games to play at wedding receptions! 
  2. Wheel of Fun. 
  3. Word Search. 
  4. Poker Station. 
  5. Dart Art Station. 
  6. Themed Photo Booth. 
  7. Create a Custom Snapchat Geofilter for Your Reception. 
  8. Board Game Station.


How can we make sure that everybody who attends the wedding has a good time? A great way to keep the celebration going is to have guests take part in the ceremony and the reception. Guests will remember the interactive elements fondly and talk about them for a long time to come. The bride and groom should not have to deal with any surprises on their wedding day, and the planners will see to it that they don't. Be sure to have some sort of sentimental display, like a photo album, at the reception.

Help your older guests feel at home by including them in activities with the younger ones. And if money is no object, a photo booth is a must-have! At the reception, it's easy to lose track of your new spouse as you go off to see different groups of people. Arrange for plenty of food and drink, fun activities, and comfortable seating so that guests can mingle in private. During the reception, feel free to kick off your shoes and change into something cosier, such as slippers.

Water should be consumed between alcoholic drinks to prevent intoxication. Alternatively, you could agree on a secret word to use in the event that one of you ever feels helpless. Make your first dance together special and meaningful. The time for waltzing slowly to a classic love song has passed. Choose a song that celebrates who you are as a couple, whether it's a song by one of your favourite artists or a happy song.

Your company will enjoy this modern twist on a timeless dish. Not all couples share the same enthusiasm for hitting the dance floor. If you and your future spouse are not big dancers, there's no need to centre your wedding reception around a dance floor. The guests who would prefer not to dance can still enjoy the party by participating in the planned games and other activities.

Content Summary

  • In addition to the obvious preparations and arrangements, what else should be done to ensure that the wedding reception is enjoyable for all guests?
  • Having your guests participate in the ceremony and reception is a great way to keep the party going strong.
  • How to make your wedding day the most memorable day of your life is revealed.
  • When it comes to the wedding day, we planners make sure that our couples are not interrupted in any way.
  • The couples are left alone to celebrate.
  • Think about the guests who will be taking pictures at your wedding as you arrange the venue.
  • Provide some games so that your guests won't have to sit around bored.
  • Create a special hashtag for your wedding on Instagram and invite your guests to act as photojournalists.
  • Providing flip-flops for those who prefer to wear high heels will guarantee you a large fan base.
  • Set up a few snacking stations around the wedding venue so that guests can help themselves whenever they like, whether you're serving a formal sit-down meal or a buffet.
  • Make sure there's enough food and drinks, games to play, and comfortable seating arranged.
  • It will go over very well if you provide your guests with a tasty snack at the end of the evening.
  • One wonderful way to do this is to have them spend the first ten minutes alone together after the ceremony.
  • If your partner uses the code word, you know it's time to take a breather together for a while.
  • Binge drinking can cause you to lose track of time, potentially erasing some of your most precious memories.
  • However, your actions at the wedding can also leave a lasting impression.
  • It's important to make your first dance memorable and meaningful, as it's a chance to show the world who you two are as a couple.
  • The days of slow dancing to an old love song are over.
  • Select a tune by your favourite artist or discover a jubilant tune that speaks to who you are as a couple; then, dance like no one is looking.
  • Do not plan your entire wedding reception around a dance floor if you do not enjoy dancing.
  • Play the dance music if your guests want to move their bodies, but if you'd rather sit and watch the action, that's fine too.
  • Do it yourself as much as you like.
  • During the wedding, you and your partner should act naturally.
  • You should indulge in your favourite foods.
  • Go ahead and dance like no one is watching.
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