How to Look Good in Kissing Photos?

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    It’s true that the reception is where most of your attention should be focused when organising a wedding, but the ceremony is why everyone is there in the first place. The moment the bride and groom are pronounced husband and wife and kiss to officially unite in marriage is a memorable one. It’s a great opportunity for some meaningful symbolism and a cute photo. Still, it can be a difficult situation for those who aren’t used to showing their emotions in public.

    The act of kissing is passionate and close. It occurs when you are snuggled up next to your soul mate. There is usually little concern for appearances when kissing a pet, as only the two of you will be aware of the encounter. However, there are exceptional instances when it is on display for all to see in the open. Especially your wedding album and engagement shots!

    Let’s get one thing out of the way first: not all engaged couples kiss in their photos. You need not be caught puckering up in any snapshots together. Some people really enjoy the anarchy, while others find it frustrating. No big deal if you don’t care about the kissing photos. A great kissing shot may not be for everyone, but for those who appreciate it, it can round out a photo album in a special way.

    So, if you plan on sharing any passionate kisses during your session, here are some tips for making the most of those special moments on camera.

    The fervent, frantic, and frequently-moving shot – The groom traditionally lifts his bride into the air for this passionate embrace. Either she runs up and jumps into his arms, and they kiss while he spins her around, or he wraps his arms around her, pulls her tight, and dips her into a long, deep kiss. In order to capture as much as possible of the scene in these photographs, we typically stand back a little. We usually don’t need to worry too much about what the kiss looks like per se because it’s not the focal point of the image. Keep things simple, don’t hurt each other, and avoid eating each other’s lips. Check out our extensive list of Wedding Photographers in Melbourne to help capture your special moments.

    How to Make Sure Your Kisses Look Killer on Camera 

    However, we did compile a few thoughts on how to make it happen, based on input from some of our favourite on-screen kissers and advice from our photographer friends. Remember them as you prepare to pucker up! It’s a fine line to walk, but hopefully the advice below will help smooth the way.

    These “things not to do” may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often we see them. When it comes down to it, the ideal kiss consists of:

    Use Your Hands

    Ladies Grasp his cheek, ear, or the back of his head with one hand and pull him in close. Men have it a little bit different. Gentlemen, if you must use a hand, please avoid making it appear as though you are trying to strangle her. Put two fingers under her chin or two fingers (or a finger and a thumb) on her cheek and gently pull her in. Anything beyond that appears aggressive.

    Together with body language, a person’s hands can reveal a lot about their social style. Possess them keep their hands joined throughout the entire session. Holding, intertwining, enveloping, or embracing the other person’s face are all possible hand positions that convey this meaning.

    During the shoot, it can be sweet to capture intimate moments like the couple’s hands intertwined. Holding hands makes it easier to strike certain poses and creates that intimate atmosphere you seek.

    Keep it Light

    The kissing photos where your lips are just inches apart are the most intimate and whimsical. These snapshots are taken at the exact moment you enter the scene. It has a powerful impact because it leaves the rest to the mind. The minute before they touch, I have them come in and I make them hold it for a full minute.

    Slowly lean in for the kiss. You won’t have to worry about accidentally knocking out any teeth due to nerves, and your photographer will have more options to work with. Do a tiny bit of a pucker and go easy on it. Don’t apply enough force to make your noses wrinkle.

    Close Your Eyes.

    For photographers covering live events, this is a perennial challenge. The intensity of the feelings at play makes this a photogenic but not always photogenic moment. By now, I imagine most of you are aware that even when you set out to take a professional-quality photograph, you often end up with a shot of someone’s fish lips or a close makeout.

    How to Shoot Kissing Photos

    Make People Laugh

    If you know how to use humour effectively in this situation, it can do wonders. To get the two of them to laugh and lean in together, just ask. Watch for the person to smile at you in a close, intimate way before they kiss you. Getting them to laugh out loud is an even better opportunity.

    Avoid Making Constant Lip Contact

    The most exciting part of a kiss isn’t when lips actually touch, but rather the anticipation leading up to it. It may seem overly sentimental at first, but after practising it a few times, you’ll see that it’s actually more effective than the French section of the company’s marketing plan. Even the seconds after a passionate kiss make for stunning pictures. In the pauses, have the couple embrace and kiss. At first, it may seem strange, but that feeling won’t last for long. If you want to succeed, you need to pay close attention to the smallest of details, because the first kiss is rarely a success.


    This should go without saying, yet we see so many wide-angle shots of kisses. Wonder how those people must have felt. Along the lines of “The photos taken by this photographer are extremely insulting. We forgot to pay him, too. It’s best to cross your fingers and pray he gets the shots “. Not only is that inappropriate on the big day itself, but it’s also not ideal for the engagement session. Consider their position for a moment, and you’ll see that closeness calls for some distance. Try to capture some of the surroundings by using a telephoto lens of medium to long focal length. It’s also recommended to maintain some distance when photographing formal kisses, such as those exchanged by the bride’s family members as they express their congratulations.


    Don’t be hesitant to signal your intentions. Consider this: there will be times, quite a few actually, when allowing things to have their natural course will turn your photos into mini disasters fit for Awkward Family Photos. You should have the guts to tell them if their kissing technique is sloppy or if they look like they’re trying to kiss a statue.

    Tips on Taking More Romantic Pictures

    Including a romantic gesture in photographs of couples may feel forced at first. During a shoot, there are a few methods that can be used to create genuine and romantic photos. Customers may feel awkward if you ask them to act romantic on your behalf. To avoid coming off as weird, you can bring about Romance by following these guidelines.

    What Is Romantic Photography?

    A romantic photograph is one that depicts an intimate moment between two people. This photographic genre emphasises closeness and personal expression as means of conveying love. The commonalities between people can be captured beautifully in romantic photography. By doing so, customers are able to have a picture taken that perfectly depicts their affection for one another.

    Even family portraits can benefit from this style of photography. Images of love and joy shared by a family can be captured in romantic portraits. Rather than concentrating on a romantic plot, it’s better to strengthen the bonds of family.

    Natural Posing Helps Couples Relax

    Posing in a more relaxed, natural way can make a couple more at ease in front of the camera. Request that the couple hold hands and share a kiss. Activities such as holding hands, kissing, walking, talking, laughing, and taking in the scenery all count.

    Posing the couple in this way at the beginning of the session can be just what they need. The couple can take their time getting used to being filmed. Get them closer to you as the session goes on. Don’t miss the chance to freeze the spark that ignites when a couple gazes deeply into one another’s eyes.

    Get the couple to hold noses or take a stroll while discussing the qualities they admire most in one another. During the romantic session, you can use natural posing in between more posed shots. They’ll forget about the camera and concentrate on having a good time with one another. Looking for a wedding photographer in Melbourne? Look no further. Vines of the Yarra Valley has compiled an ultimate list of wedding photo companies to help you choose.

    Almost-Kiss Pose

    Due to the personal nature of kissing for many couples, doing so in front of a camera can feel awkward. There’s more romance to be had from a “almost kiss” than from a full-on kiss. Read on, and I’ll reveal the details.

    The goal of the almost kiss is to get the client to come in close enough to touch lips, but not quite. To avoid any awkwardness caused by staring at one another, suggest that they close their eyes. You could get some laughs out of it, which would be great for a photo.

    Have them stop as their lips approach. More time spent in this position will only increase their desire to consummate the moment by locking lips. If you want to get the shot, let them kiss afterwards. Keep shooting; you want to have a picture of the actual kiss as well.

    The most heartwarming photograph would be the one in which the couple almost kiss. Photographers have a variety of options for capturing this moment, each one revealing a new facet of the couple’s closeness. Watching the couple share their first kiss is like being a part of a live action film. sensual and passionate!

    Cuddle Pose

    Nothing makes a couple feel more at ease and makes for better romantic pictures than a good cuddle. Whether you’re sitting, lying, or standing, you can cuddle. Or, have them tuck themselves under a blanket while snuggling on the couch or the sand. Coziness is guaranteed whenever a blanket is present. To capture the couple’s genuine affection, they should get in close for the shot. This is the perfect opportunity to capture intimate details, like the engagement ring, of the happy couple.

    Encourage Your Partner to Compliment One Another

    People may feel uncomfortable and aware of the large camera you are using during sessions. This strategy can be a wonderful way for the couple to appear and feel more romantic. Turning to their partner, each member of the couple should share a quality about their partner that they admire. Get everyone to take turns bringing up a single point.

    Do not interfere with their happiness at this time. A longer lens will help them feel more at ease sharing such personal information with one another. Don’t miss out on the unfolding romance by putting your camera away for a moment. You should tell them it’s best if they just give in to their urges to kiss, hug, or get close. This has the potential to add a romantic atmosphere to the occasion.

    Request a Slow Dance from Your Clients

    For obvious reasons, slow dancing has a passionate vibe. Dancing slowly during the shoot can add a romantic touch to the experience and the resulting images. Instruct the couple to slow dance together throughout the session, instruct them to twirl a few times, and then pull in close to one another. Awkwardness is to be expected when starting out with slow dance. Music or a longer lens can help make the dancing feel less out of place.

    Have them walk, twirl, and then get close if there is room to do so in your shooting location. Perform the action multiple times to fully record it. A gif of this sequence of events would be adorable.

    Location of Photo Shoot Should Have Meaning

    Taking a trip to a location with sentimental value to the couple can result in a stunningly romantic portrait. Accompanying a couple back to the location of their first meeting or date can help them reflect on the beginning of their romance.

    Engaged couples can relive a memorable moment by acting it out again. The couple is free to discuss their initial attraction to one another. You can make a one-of-a-kind picture that tells their story by recreating an important moment.

    Couples can strengthen their bond by sharing a common interest. If you know they enjoy relaxing together at home, you might suggest that they bring the session there. Some couples’ favourite things to do together don’t involve going anywhere in particular. It could be anything from going on a camping trip to watching a baseball game. Starting with a meaningful deed can be an excellent way to set the stage for a romantic photo. Every couple should have a photo taken at a special location or while participating in a meaningful activity.

    Take a Lifestyle Approach to Capture Authenticity

    When taking lifestyle photographs, you should direct the subject as little as possible. Shoot the couples naturally as the shoot develops. Thus, they assume the role of art directors. They can relax and give you a firm grasp of their genuineness.

    It’s romantic to take close-up shots of the couple’s hands holding each other. You could call this a more photojournalistic approach to photography. Clients will feel more at ease and ready to have fun during the photo session.

    Since they are not under any pressure to perform, they are free to act as if they were just hanging out. While doing so, you are recording the day’s events, down to the smallest of details and expressions. This mode is also a narrative technique. Since you won’t be dictating the tone of the shoot, the whole experience can feel more intimate and passionate.

    Lifestyle photography often provides the closest look at a couple possible. When you spend more time with someone, you get a better idea of how they spend their days, which can lead to more candid and genuine photographs.

    Looking for the Best Photographers in Melbourne? We have compiled an exclusive list of some of Melbourne’s best photographers to capture your special day.

    FAQs About Photography

    Where should a couple of focus in photography?

    In general, the person nearest the camera should be in sharp focus. One exception will be if one person is more important than the rest. For example, a bride among four bridesmaids should be in focus, even if one or more of the bridesmaids are closer to the camera.

    Where can two people focus?

    The two people will (usually) be the same distance from the camera, so focus on either of their eyes. You can always stop down the lens a little, f/8 would give you more depth of field. If using the very lowest aperture (biggest hole), then your depth of field will be tiny. This is when you’ll get problems like this.

    How do couples look good in pictures?

    Pressing your body into your guy (think: tilting your pelvis up against his side) will create a flattering ¾ angle toward the camera. Not only will this make the two of you look super-cozy, it visually slims you out. Arch your back and shift your weight to one hip-it looks subtly sexy.

    Why do I not look good in pictures?

    Perhaps you look different in pictures because the version of yourself you like best is a figment of your imagination. According to a 2008 study, people tend to think they’re more attractive than they are.

    What is the multi-point focus?

    Multi-point focusing allows the shooter to select a starting focus point. Still, the camera will automatically track subjects within a frame as they move, thus utilizing multiple focus points.


    Kissing is an intimate and passionate gesture. Being in close proximity to your soul mate can bring on this feeling. Not everyone enjoys seeing a passionate kiss captured on film, but for those who do, it can be the perfect addition to a photo album. This is a photogenic but not always photogenic moment due to the intensity of the feelings at play. An intimate scene between two people is the quintessential subject of a romantic photograph.

    Genuine and passionate photographs can be achieved through a number of different techniques. Having customers pretend to be romantic on your behalf might make them feel uncomfortable. If you don’t want to sound strange, play by these rules. An “almost kiss” can be more romantic than a full-on kiss. The purpose of the almost-kiss is to bring the client close enough to touch lips, but not quite.

    There are many ways in which photographers can immortalise this scene. Romance can be added to the shoot and the photos you take by dancing slowly. It can be therapeutic to accompany a couple back to the site of their first meeting or date. This would be the cutest thing to see in a gif form. Photographs taken in a couple’s everyday life often provide the most intimate glimpse of them together.

    By re-creating a pivotal moment from their life, you can create a truly unique picture that tells their story. Every couple needs a picture taken at an iconic landmark or while doing something significant together.

    Content Summary

    • The act of kissing is passionate and close.
    • Especially your wedding album and engagement shots!
    • No big deal if you don’t care about the kissing photos.
    • So, if you plan on sharing any passionate kisses during your session, here are some tips for making the most of those special moments on camera.
    • Remember them as you prepare to pucker up!
    • When it comes down to it, the ideal kiss consists of:Use Your HandsLadies Grasp his cheek, ear, or the back of his head with one hand and pull him in close.
    • During the shoot, it can be sweet to capture intimate moments like the couple’s hands intertwined.
    • The kissing photos where your lips are just inches apart are the most intimate and whimsical.
    • Slowly lean in for the kiss.
    • Do a tiny bit of a pucker and go easy on it.
    • To get the two of them to laugh and lean in together, just ask.
    • Watch for the person to smile at you in a close, intimate way before they kiss you.
    • If you want to succeed, you need to pay close attention to the smallest of details, because the first kiss is rarely a success.
    • During a shoot, there are a few methods that can be used to create genuine and romantic photos.
    • The commonalities between people can be captured beautifully in romantic photography.
    • Request that the couple hold hands and share a kiss.
    • Posing the couple in this way at the beginning of the session can be just what they need.
    • During the romantic session, you can use natural posing in between more posed shots.
    • There’s more romance to be had from a “almost kiss” than from a full-on kiss.
    • The goal of the almost kiss is to get the client to come in close enough to touch lips, but not quite.
    • If you want to get the shot, let them kiss afterwards.
    • Keep shooting; you want to have a picture of the actual kiss as well.
    • The most heartwarming photograph would be the one in which the couple almost kiss.
    • Watching the couple share their first kiss is like being a part of a live action film.
    • To capture the couple’s genuine affection, they should get in close for the shot.
    • Instruct the couple to slow dance together throughout the session, instruct them to twirl a few times, and then pull in close to one another.
    • Awkwardness is to be expected when starting out with slow dance.
    • Music or a longer lens can help make the dancing feel less out of place.
    • Have them walk, twirl, and then get close if there is room to do so in your shooting location.
    • Taking a trip to a location with sentimental value to the couple can result in a stunningly romantic portrait.
    • Accompanying a couple back to the location of their first meeting or date can help them reflect on the beginning of their romance.
    • Couples can strengthen their bond by sharing a common interest.
    • Starting with a meaningful deed can be an excellent way to set the stage for a romantic photo.
    • Shoot the couples naturally as the shoot develops.
    • It’s romantic to take close-up shots of the couple’s hands holding each other.
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