What Does a First Time Wedding Photographer Need to Know?

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    Many photographers get their start by shooting a wedding for someone they know well, be it family or a close acquaintance. Of course, their first enquiry was some variation on “how do you photograph a wedding?” If you’re not a professional photographer but you have some skill, you’ll probably get asked to take pictures at a special event at some point.

    We have compiled a list of our top Wedding Celebrants to help you celebrate your special day.

    Making money photographing weddings may be a lot of fun. There are plenty of expert wedding photographers out there, but it doesn’t mean you have to hire one. If you want to conclude the day with a fantastic collection of images, this tutorial’s ten crucial stages will help you do it, whether you’re a professional or not.

    Advice for the First-Time Wedding Photographer

    Introducing Our First Paying Customer

    Typically, it is a close friend or relative who initiates the enquiry. That you are a skilled photographer is the first of two reasons they have asked you. additionally, they are familiar with you. The level of trust they have in you may be impossible to achieve with a new customer. Establishing credibility and trust in the business world requires some work experience.

    Initially, the only thing a potential customer would know about you is that you are a skilled photographer. Trust in you cannot exist unless people have experienced working with you. This is a given because your family member or friend knows you well enough.

    Learning How to Get Ready

    One of your closest friends or relatives may have requested you to photograph their wedding, and you and this person have never done it before. We need to ask, and it’s a bit bad to say, but: Have you given serious consideration to whether or not you are qualified for this position? You probably are! But nagging concerns will remain.

    Having the awareness to recognise when you have bitten off more than you can chew is a valuable skill. A wedding for 50 people in a modest church followed by a party at the local pub is one thing, whereas a wedding for 500 people with elaborate photo backdrops and booths is an entirely different animal.

    When you don’t know your capabilities, clients will have unrealistic expectations. In any case, congrats on landing your first job if you understand them and the task isn’t too daunting.

    Do More Than Take Pictures

    Do more than just take pictures. Act as a mentor, cheerleader, supporter, and pal. Love and service should always come naturally to you.   Because how we treat others is just as important as the photos you offer them, let it seep into every corner of your mind and become a part of your own existence. With a servant’s heart, go above and above to make everyone at the wedding feel loved and appreciated. Be cheerful. Proclaim happiness wherever you go. Indeed, that is the spirit of the day, and it should be the spirit of our lives as well. You’ll make some blunders as a beginner photographer. In fact, we still do. To capture the ideal wedding day would be impossible. It’s always exciting because of this.

    Do the greatest you can with what you know today and the tools at your disposal. Is there anything you know you can be great at right off the bat? And this is the precise topic we’re discussing. Serving others with a heart filled with happiness and a willingness to put in extra effort. Keep in mind that it will be weeks before your wedding images are seen by the general public. Allow yourself to act naturally, creating an impression so powerful that your clients will adore the images even before they’re seen. And if anything goes wrong and you don’t get a shot you should have gotten, which can happen because no one is perfect, then work so hard the actual wedding day that no one can accuse you of slacking off or not caring.

    Communicate with the couple to find out their specific needs for the wedding day. They may request formal family photographs or ask that you be present all day to capture natural moments throughout the ceremony and reception. Determine if they want the entire wedding party to line up in front of the church for formal photos, or if they would rather have some alone time in a special place.

    Get there as early as possible to catch the bride getting ready, stay for the arrival of the getaway car, and stick around for the couple’s departure if possible. This will provide you with excellent coverage of the entire happenings and a wide variety of photographs from which to chose.

    Professional Attire

    The importance of appropriate attire cannot be overstated, but it is especially crucial at a young age. On your wedding day, you’ll have numerous opportunities to make a good first impression, so dress accordingly. Put together an outfit that is both cute and professional, such a pencil skirt and top with some jewellery. If you present yourself professionally and carry yourself with assurance, individuals will consider you seriously despite your youth. Remember to dress comfortably, including the footwear you choose to wear. In the end, your toes will appreciate our help.

    Preparation is the Key

    Practice as much as possible in the time leading up to the big day. Make yourself available to assist as many local wedding photographers as you can from now to your wedding by second shooting, third shooting, carrying luggage, or getting water.

    Due of the various ways in which weddings differ from picture sessions, it’s important to have as much practical wedding day experience as possible before shooting your first wedding. In addition, it’s a good idea to learn as much as can about weddings in the time leading up to the big day.

    Still, at the very least, you should be as comfortable as possible behind the lens. When transitioning from portraiture to weddings, many photographers under-estimate the sheer volume of photographs that would require post-production work. If you don’t get the pictures you need in camera, it will take months to get the final product to the client, which is unacceptable. You probably didn’t decide to become a photographer so that you could spend your days in front of a computer screen editing photos until they looked perfect.

    Always Be Aware of Your Limits

    You should check in with the priest or registrar beforehand to see if there are any portions of the service during which photography is not permitted, as doing so can be a distraction for the guests and the ceremony’s participants. Make sure your camera won’t beep throughout the service, too.

    It’s advantageous to understand whether any other photographers or filmmakers will be present on the day in question; after all, this isn’t a race, so everyone should pitch in where they can.

    Establish Objectives

    That doesn’t mean you’ll get terrible shots; it just means you’ll have to make due with what you know. When everyone’s expectations are aligned, there should be no letdowns.

    In general, I try to underpromise and overdeliver. Which is much better than, as I believe many individuals have a tendency to do, overpromising and underdelivering.

    Rate Confirmation

    This is by far the most typical blunder made by amateur photographers in general, let alone those shooting their first wedding.

    Keeping the wedding’s budget in check is another reasons a family member or friend may ask you to take photos. Many engaged couples underestimate the importance of budgeting for a photographer during their wedding. The expense of obtaining high-quality photographs is often underestimated. Moreover, there are many who believe that the task is easy and therefore inexpensive.

    As a first-time wedding photographer, you’ll have to keep your prices low. It’s possible you’ll opt to do it pro bono. For this reason, you should specify up front what kind of money you anticipate receiving. You and the other half of the couple should make this decision right now.

    Many amateur shutterbugs take on jobs without previously settling on a fee or even discussing payment with the client. Many amateur photographers make this silly oversight. It’s likely to get contentious and end badly either way.

    Know your worth if monetary remuneration is what you’re after. You’ll need to devote the equivalent of a full workday’s worth of time to editing as the duration of the wedding reception itself. If you want to know how much you’re worth, just multiply this number by the hourly basis you believe you deserve.

    Visiting Potential Sites

    You’ve already taken the first two steps towards fixing the problem and starting the task. To win the fight, you must master every aspect of the battlefield.

    If this is your first wedding photography gig, familiarising yourself with the venue can help you avoid any pitfalls and problems you would otherwise encounter. For this reason, it’s important to scout the venue well in advance of the wedding to determine the finest vantage points, as well as the direction of the available light, to ensure you capture the best possible images.

    Knowing this information in advance will allow you to take more shots and less effort figuring things out. You don’t want to be the person to stand in the wrong location, trying to adjust the settings as the groom and bride are only seconds away from going down the aisle.

    Use a Raw Capture Mode

    You’ll need a wide range of options for your photographs because of the interior and outdoor locations, and RAW will help you achieve that. Make absolutely sure you have quite enough storage space for all the pictures you plan on taking. If you’re worried that your memory card won’t hold enough shots, you can either buy an additional card or bring a notebook to back up the images as you go. Not focusing on the shot at hand will prevent you from missing out on photo ops.

    Keep a Copy of Everything

    That’s obviously true. Put it on both memory cards if your camera has that many slots. Both of them have .RAW extension . JPEG.

    Assuming you can or have access to doing so, back up your machinery. If your primary camera ever stops working, having a backup is much more beneficial than having no camera at all. Similarly, memory cards are not immune to this problem. Get as many as you can afford.

    Familiarize Yourself with the Strategy
    Wedding Photography 1

    Make sure you know when the bride will be arriving, when confetti will be tossed, and when the cake will be cut by requesting an itinerary of the wedding’s festivities from the happy couple.

    You should also know who will be there and where they will be. the minister, the best man, and the maid of honour, in addition to the bride and groom. When the wedding schedule needs to be adjusted, you’ll all have to work together.

    Before getting too creative, be sure you’ve gotten the shots you were supposed to take. To capture the spirit of the day and guarantee that it can be greatly relieved for many years to come is the responsibility of the photographer. In other words, they need stunningly sharp images, not artistic blurring. If you want to take pictures of amazing events, you need to be there when they happen. After you’ve accomplished your goal in a given situation (the cake cutting, for instance), you’re free to let your imagination run wild.

    Fantastic buildings, decorations, and a chapel full of people dressed to the nines are common sights during weddings. It would be a waste not to take advantage of this opportunity, so make sure to move around each set in search of the greatest vantage points from which to photograph the actors and the scenery.

    Last but not least, plan out your day by setting down your objectives and how much time you have to complete them. Everything takes more time than you expect because that’s how the laws of time work. To add insult to injury, tardiness is par for the course on the big day. So, give yourself a lot of leeway and don’t worry about getting anything done on time. You might start to feel terrified and anxious, to the point where you freeze up. If you don’t come prepared, you’ll feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. You can better serve your customers in the way they should be served if you have a game plan and a good understanding of the necessary ammunition.

    Looking for a wedding photographer in Melbourne? Look no further. Vines of the Yarra Valley has compiled an ultimate list of wedding photo companies to help you choose.

    Act as Leader

    Taking command of the matter would be beneficial. A wedding photographer spends most of the day quietly capturing candid moments, but when it’s time for formal portraits of the happy couple or the entire wedding party, they’ll need to find their voice and take charge.

    You need to tell, guide, and show them how you’ll get the greatest shot because most individuals don’t know how to pose or stand.

    Also, don’t be shy about giving orders. Both younger and older guests are unlikely to stay still for group photos. Maintaining your cool is essential. Use your voice to command respect.

    Getting the formal images right is crucial, since they will likely be the most memorable of the entire day. Choose two potential meeting places, one outdoors if the weather permits and another indoors if the forecast calls for rain, preferably one with plenty of windows. Get your tripod ready and keep track of the necessary shots, specifying which actors should appear in each.

    Get a bridesmaid or the best man to keep track of who should be in each photo, and then it’s your job to make sure everyone is looking at the camera and smiling. Do not be reluctant to issue commands. Even if you don’t know everyone’s name, organising them for the picture and getting them to glance in your direction will help them become used to you.

    The couple may want to shoot inside due to inclement weather, or you may have no choice. In other words, you must be ready for this. Although if it’s just a simple light or reflecting disc, it could make a huge difference if you bring it along.

    It’s crucial to get the lighting just correct, especially if flash will be needed for the formal photographs. Every photographer knows that using too much flash will ruin a shot, so make sure to grab a flash diffuser. Before rushing through the formal images, it’s a good idea to take a light metre and try a few of test shots.

    Final Reflections for the First-Time Wedding Photographer

    The wedding day is the most important day of the couple’s lives, and you have the enormous responsibility of photographing it.

    Please pause for a moment to collect yourself and take a deep breath. You can do the finest possible job, and you have the tools and talents to achieve it! In the course of my first wedding photography gig, I saw that it wasn’t nearly as challenging as I had anticipated.

    A few bumps in the road tested my mettle, but overall, I felt right at home. There came a turning point in the day when I recognised I could handle everything, and from then on, I was able to relax and enjoy the wedding with my guests.

    At Vines of the Yarra Valley we have compiled a list of the Best Photographers in Melbourne to help you choose who captures your magical day.


    Photographers often get their foot in the door by covering a friend or family member’s wedding. Credibility and trustworthiness in business are earned via experience. Numerous very qualified photographers are available for weddings, but it is not required that you use their services. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just getting started, the ten steps outlined in this guide will get you there. Clients will have unreasonable expectations if you don’t recognise your limits.

    Do everything it takes to make the guests at the wedding feel special and valued. Make yourself available as a guide, a cheerleader, a supporter, and a friend in addition to a photographer. Find out the couple’s individual wants and desires for the wedding day by talking to them. In order to be taken seriously, you need to project an image of competence and self-assurance. To help out as many local wedding photographers as you can before the big day, you should volunteer your services as soon as possible.

    When planning their wedding budget, many engaged couples fail to account for the cost of hiring a professional photographer. If this is your first wedding photography gig, you should offer discounted rates. Don’t be shy about telling the couple that you can’t replace a professional’s help. If you want to be paid, you need to know what you’re worth. In order to complete the editing process, you will need to set aside at least one full workday.

    Find the best view locations and the direction the light is coming from by scouting the area well in advance. You have to be in the right place at the right time if you want to capture truly remarkable moments on film. During a wedding, a photographer typically works in the background, capturing natural reactions. They’ll need to assert themselves as leaders when it’s time for official pictures. Pick two locations, one outdoors if the weather cooperates and one inside if precipitation is predicted.

    If flash will be used for the formal shots, it is very important to get the lighting just right. Remembering to keep your calm is crucial. Take control of the room with just your voice.

    FAQS ABOUT Novice Photographer

    What should a beginner photographer know?

    • Learn to hold your camera properly.
    • Start shooting in RAW.
    • Understand the exposure triangle.
    • Wide aperture is best for portraits.
    • Narrow aperture is best for landscapes.
    • Learn to use Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority modes.
    • Don’t be afraid to raise the ISO.
    • Make a habit of checking the ISO before you start shooting.

    Is it important to plan first before taking a photograph?

    A well-planned picture shoot is crucial to getting great results. Maintaining a camera’s readiness at all times is commendable, but you still have to locate interesting topics to photograph.

    What are the two main types of wedding photography?

    Two distinct “Styles” exist. There are two distinct types of photographic styles: editing, which determines the final hues of a photograph, and capturing, which emphasises the process of actually taking the picture. A photographer might find ideas in all of these distinct approaches and combine them to create something entirely new.

    How to figure out my photography style?

    • It’s a good idea to make a list of the many types of photography you enjoy and try your hand at them.
    • Gather images that spark your imagination to learn more about your personal aesthetic.
    • Post Pics, get constructive criticism
    • Keep your gear to a minimum so you may concentrate on developing your own unique photographic voice.

    What are the most important wedding photos?

    • Getting ready. These photos are effortlessly casual and make for the most fun photo ops
    • Personality pic
    • Bouquet
    • Invitation suite
    • Generational photo
    • Shoes
    • Individual bridal party shots
    • The reception space (empty)


    • If you’re not a professional photographer but you have some skill, you’ll probably get asked to take pictures at a special event at some point.
    • The day of a wedding is always a high-energy event.
    • One of your closest friends or relatives may have requested you to photograph their wedding, and you and this person have never done it before.
    • When you don’t know your capabilities, clients will have unrealistic expectations.
    • Do more than just take pictures.
    • Act as a mentor, cheerleader, supporter, and pal.
    • With a servant’s heart, go above and above to make everyone at the wedding feel loved and appreciated.
    • Be cheerful.
    • Do the greatest you can with what you know today and the tools at your disposal.
    • Serving others with a heart filled with happiness and a willingness to put in extra effort.
    • Keep in mind that it will be weeks before your wedding images are seen by the general public.
    • Communicate with the couple to find out their specific needs for the wedding day.
    • If you want to improve your photography skills, working as a professional photographer is the best way to do it.
    • Make it plain to the couple that you can’t provide the same level of service as a professional wedding photographer.
    • Keeping the wedding’s budget in check is another reasons a family member or friend may ask you to take photos.
    • It’s possible you’ll opt to do it pro bono.
    • Know your worth if monetary remuneration is what you’re after.
    • For this reason, it’s important to scout the venue well in advance of the wedding to determine the finest vantage points, as well as the direction of the available light, to ensure you capture the best possible images.
    • When the wedding schedule needs to be adjusted, you’ll all have to work together.
    • If you want to take pictures of amazing events, you need to be there when they happen.
    • Last but not least, plan out your day by setting down your objectives and how much time you have to complete them.
    • So, give yourself a lot of leeway and don’t worry about getting anything done on time.
    • It’s crucial to get the lighting just correct, especially if flash will be needed for the formal photographs.
    • The wedding day is the most important day of the couple’s lives, and you have the enormous responsibility of photographing it.
    weddings and events yarra valley
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